Texas Bankers Blitz reconvenes after four-year hiatus

Amidst anticipation and excitement, TBA’s Texas Bankers Blitz made a grand comeback after a four-year hiatus. The event kicked off with a historic milestone — the Grand Opening Reception of TBA’s new headquarters, symbolizing the industry’s strength and optimism for the future. Bankers from across the state gathered to celebrate this significant achievement, raising their glasses to toast the bright days ahead and applauding those who supported the vision of a new home for TBA.

With the cheers of the evening still resonating, bankers were ready to take on the challenges and opportunities awaiting them at the Texas Capitol the next morning. As the sun rose, a touch of uncertainty lingered in the air, with winds and rain testing the resolve of the attendees. However, nothing could dampen the spirits of these dedicated bankers as they headed to the Capitol to meet with legislators and advocate for their industry.

With TBA General Counsel Celeste Embrey leading the charge and the headquarters just a street away, the bankers were determined to protect the interests of their industry. Twana Billeaudeau, chair of TBASCO, expressed confidence, stating, “We’re right across from the Capitol, and our voices will be heard!”

Armed with passion and knowledge, bankers engaged in discussions with legislators, sharing their perspectives on the potential impact of proposed bills on the Texas banking industry. The Blitz provided an invaluable opportunity to express support or opposition to consequential legislation as the 88th Texas Legislative Session unfolded.

From protecting customer interests to safeguarding communities and ensuring shareholder value, bankers had positive stories to tell when they stepped into the halls of the Texas Capitol. They leveraged their firsthand experiences and expertise to help legislators understand the unintended consequences that certain bills could have on the industry. Through constructive dialogue and advocacy, bankers aimed to build bridges and foster collaboration between the banking sector and lawmakers.

“I do feel we were heard. It’s always a challenge … But they do listen to us and we get our point across in a respectful way.”
— TBA Chairman David Osborn

The Texas Bankers Blitz serves as a crucial platform for TBA members to engage with their state legislators and address issues that impact their customers, communities and shareholders. The enthusiasm surrounding the event was unsurprising, given that the previous Blitz was last held in 2019 due to the COVID-19 pandemic disrupting the industry’s gathering in 2021. The resilience and determination of Texas banks — which remain strong, well-capitalized and highly liquid — make the Blitz an event of utmost importance.

TBA members are proud to serve as the economic engines for the ninth largest economy in the world. Through their united efforts, bankers seized the opportunity to shape policies, foster innovation and drive economic prosperity across the Lone Star State.

As the Texas Bankers Blitz concluded, the collective voice of the industry resonated within the Capitol halls. Bankers left filled with a sense of accomplishment knowing that they had played a vital role in shaping legislation and advocating for their industry. Their unwavering commitment and dedication ensure that the Texas banking sector remains robust, responsive and aligned with the needs of their customers, communities and shareholders.

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