Celebrating the holiday season

This year, TBA is thankful for our supportive leaders who are so passionate about the banking industry that they’re willing to spend extra time advocating, sharing their expertise and building community through their positions on the TBA Board. The holiday season looks different for everyone, so we wanted to share what it looks like for our BOD by asking some of them to share their answers to these two questions:

1. What are you thankful for this year?

2. What is your favorite holiday tradition?

Chairman David W. Osborn of WestStar Bank, El Paso
David Osborn Family photoI am truly thankful for two things this year. First for the TBA staff; they are so professional and hard working. They have supported me this entire year as I currently serve as Chairman of TBA. They do excellent work and are all striving to support our Texas community bankers every day. Chris’ leadership is amazing and TBA is performing at such a high level. I have enjoyed getting to know them all on a much more personal basis this year. They are all a blessing to Cindy and me.

Cindy and I love spending both Thanksgiving and Christmas with our three daughters and their families, if possible. This now includes our six grandchildren. We share what we are thankful for each year over Thanksgiving dinner. At Christmas, we like to attend a Christmas Eve church service together. Overall, just spending the holidays and time with my family is priceless!

Vice Chair Jan Mills of First National Bank of Winnsboro
Jan Mills Family photoI am thankful for parents who instilled in me a strong work ethic and a heart for community service and nudged me into a gratifying career in community banking — an industry that I’m very passionate about. I’m thankful for our sons and precious daughters-in-love who make us proud every day as they pursue their goals and dreams and build our family legacy. And I am most thankful for our adorable and so-loved granddaughters, Tyleigh and Sutton, who have given Frank and me the best titles and roles we’ve ever held — GranJan and PopPop.

One of my favorite Christmas holiday traditions began when my boys were little. We wanted to find a way to emphasize the true meaning of the season, the birth of Jesus. Thus began what came to be known as the Happy Birthday, Baby Jesus cake. Amid our extended family holiday hoopla and festivities, we would pause to sing happy birthday, sometimes complete with party hats and noise makers and enjoy the cake in celebration of God’s greatest gift to us. I look forward to continuing this tradition with our next generation because Jesus’ birthday is worthy of remembering and celebrating.

Treasurer Ronald D. Butler II of First Financial Bank, N.A., Abilene
Ron Butler II Family photoI am thankful to be a Texas Banker. Texas is the ninth largest economy in the world and I am very thankful to play a part in the economic vitality of the markets we serve. Texas banks will continue to be counted on to keep our economic engine running.

I enjoy traditional holiday gatherings with our family, but we also enjoy attending Texas Tech football and basketball games during the holidays. We’ve attended football games, including bowl games, through the years, as well as basketball games in Lubbock, Phoenix, Las Vegas and New York City, following our Red Raiders.

Immediate Past Chair A. Ford Sasser of Rio Bank, McAllen
I start each day with prayer. And each day I thank the Lord that he has blessed me with good health. I am thankful that I have good health.

For more Decembers than I can remember, I send an e-mail out to all the employees of the bank reminding them about the story of Christmas and how it is the second most important holiday of the year to Christians. It encourages me to see the e-mails I get back from the employees thanking me for the annual message and how the message blesses them.

Community Bankers Council Chair Scott Rogers of Alliance Bank Central Texas, Woodway
Scott Rogers Family photoI am thankful for great family and friends who love and support me; good health that allows me to be active and travel; and a rewarding job where I am part of an amazing team that is dedicated to meeting the needs of Central Texas.

My wife and I have enjoyed sharing our childhood traditions with our daughters. We love the dedicated time the holiday season gives us to spend with family cooking, baking and playing games.

Government Relations Council Chair Andy Marshall of FirstBank Southwest, Amarillo
Andy Marshall Family photoAs in any year, I’m most thankful for my family. Both my blood family and my bank family. I’m blessed beyond measure to have them both. They keep me grounded and centered, regardless of the turbulence of the world around us. Most especially, I’m blessed to have my wife, Denise. Her instincts, wisdom, guidance and love are indispensable to me. Though she’ll contradict me on this, I TRY to say “yes, ma’am,” whenever and wherever possible and do what she says. You can expect a rebuttal from her at any moment. Tick-tock.

As I’m a big Christmas kid, I had to think long and hard about this one.  Do I go with me reading and acting out the Night Before Christmas to all of the grandchildren of mine and my siblings every year at the Marshall Family Christmas dinner? Or do I go with the relatively new tradition of the last few years, where Denise decorates a harvest-themed tree in my office around the first of October? Though I adore my grands, I’m going with the harvest tree. It simply makes me smile every day I open my office and turn on its lights.

Bank Leadership Council Chair Alissa Carroll of Community Bank & Trust, Waco
Alissa Caroll Family photoI am thankful for graduating SWGSB back in June of this year and being done with those research papers! I am also thankful for my employer for investing in furthering my career with the bank by affording me opportunities to attend things such as SWGSB and the TBA councils.

I am a mom of two boys, and some of my favorite holiday traditions are driving around in neighborhoods looking at Christmas lights and baking and decorating cookies for Santa.

Foundation Chair Hazel Davis of Jefferson Bank, San Antonio
Hazel Davis Family photoThis year I am most thankful for my health and my family.

My most cherished holiday tradition is coordinating costumes with my daughter each Halloween. She is a preteen now, but the magic remains. Brainstorming begins in late summer, and we’ve created wonderful memories. My favorites have been Maleficent and her daughter Mal from the Descendants, and Black Widow and Captain Marvel (complete with a Flerken).

Wealth Management & Trust Chair Curtis R. Groves of First State Bank of Gainesville
I am thankful this year for the blessings of family and friends.

A favorite holiday tradition of mine is attending Christmas Eve church services.

TBASCO Chair Doug Staley of Dallas Capital Bank, N.A.
I am thankful for family, health and good friends.

My favorite holiday tradition is enjoying the snow (most years) at Christmastime with the grandbabies in Colorado.

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