Streaming entertainment delivers new account acquisition success

By Robert Ropars, Senior Account Executive, Digital

Changes in privacy practices, consumer expectations for personalization and marketing innovations have opened perception gaps between financial institutions and consumers. 

One area affected by the change is how financial institutions use new marketing channels to connect with customers. Many struggle to find the right mix of new and traditional channels for increasing account growth. 

A Vericast survey revealed the channel least used by financial services marketers is also one of the hottest and most promising for connecting with consumers, Connected TV (CTV). More research showed that 49% of consumers perceive CTV ads as more relevant than traditional TV. 

CTV growth is on the rise. A whopping 80% of U.S. households have at least one CTV device, and CTV households are expected to grow to 82% by 2023. When included as part of an omnichannel marketing strategy, CTV is a powerful tool for connecting with consumers more precisely.

4 new ways CTV broadens the spectrum of advertising campaigns

  1. QR codes generate interest, extend engagement and inspire action 
  2. Mix in CTV with direct mail, email and social media to supercharge your campaign 
  3. Pinpoint consumers ready to act with hyper-targeting message capabilities 
  4. Cash in on above-average engagement 

Supported with powerful consumer insight, CTV offers a wealth of opportunities for financial institutions to connect with their ideal customers and prospects via streaming media services. With ultra-detailed targeting capabilities, you’re able to connect with precision to consumers ready to act and view the campaign outcomes through the lens of advanced metrics.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution. But if you are intentional about getting the right message to the right consumers at the right time, the payoff will be enormous.

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