Chris Furlow

Chris Furlow
TBA President & CEO

God bless the Texas banker

Adversity illuminates character. You’ll find few examples of adversity that rival what we have seen in the year 2020. But you will also find no better witness to the nobility of character than Texas community bankers during this challenging year — from working tirelessly to save jobs and small businesses to contributing hundreds of thousands of dollars to feed neighbors through the Texas Banks 4 Food Banks program.

I have always appreciated Paul Harvey’s “So God Made A Farmer” speech. It is a sweet ode that speaks to the character of a virtuous people. After your work as economic and community first responders during the pandemic, Texas bankers are certainly deserving of something similar. With apologies to Mr. Harvey, I have composed a twist on his work. Regardless of what 2021 will bring, it expresses why TBA is thankful for you and why we remain optimistic about our industry and in the future of Texas. Happy Thanksgiving and God bless the Texas banker.

On the Eighth Day, God Created Texas. And as the morning dew still glistened on the bluebonnets, he gave breath to the Texas banker.

“I need someone with the discipline and integrity to keep their own affairs in order while serving as an honest and earnest steward of the resources of their neighbors.” So God made the Texas banker.

“I need someone who believes in hard work and who can recognize its value in the labors of others.” So God made the Texas banker.

“I need someone who can provide families a helping hand when their dreams fall a few dollars short.” So God made the Texas banker.

“I need someone who can see the vision of an entrepreneur and small businessperson. Someone who can add fuel to the fire of their passion and ideas.” So God made the Texas banker.

“I need a friend to the men and women that feed my people by tilling the land and raising a herd.” So God made the Texas banker.

“I need someone with patience and who will listen. Someone to ease an anxious soul when downturn or disease strike their blows. Someone with the courage to be steady and sure when the winds of fear and panic howl.” So God made the Texas banker.

God said, “I need someone with a servant’s heart that is generous and loves their community. Someone to help to build my churches, schools, hospitals, community centers, and maybe even a ball field.” So God made the Texas banker.

Yes, on the Eighth Day, God created Texas. And as the stars big and bright appeared in the beautiful night sky, He saw that He had also made the Texas banker. And God said, “It is good.”

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