2024 Get Out the Vote Toolkit

A Call to Action

Bankers, as stewards of the industry in Texas, your actions have far-reaching impacts that shape our communities, economy, and the trajectory of our shared future. Today, we invite you to make your voice for a prosperous Texas heard where it truly matters – at the ballot box.

TBA has joined the Texas Thrives campaign to urge every Texas banker to register and vote. By participating in the process, you’re ensuring that our communities needs and perspectives are heard. Your actions in communities throughout Texas have already yielded significant results locally, and your vote is your opportunity to shape a prosperous future for all Texans.


  • General Election – Last day to register: October 7, 2024
  • General Election – Early Voting Period: October 21 – November 1
  • General Election DAY: November 5, 2024

Timeline Strategy

Social Media:

  • General Election Campaign Kickoff (3 weeks before the general election registration cutoff):

    • Build use of campaign hashtags #ImpactThroughAction #TexasThrives.
    • Post a call to action: “Are you ready to shape the future of banking? Get registered and get ready to vote!”
    • Continue regular weekly reminders throughout timeline.

  • Countdown to General Election (During general election early voting period):

    • Start a countdown series with daily or every other daily posts.
    • Feature Texas bankers sharing their reasons for participating in the campaign.

Email Marketing:

  • Campaign Announcement (3 weeks before the general election registration deadline):

    • Send an email reminder on registration deadline and the impact their votes can make.
    • Continue regular weekly reminders throughout timeline.

  • Countdown to General Election (During early voting period and Election Day):

    • Send an email reminder about early voting in the general election and the impact.
    • Offer opportunities and incentives for early voting and election day attendance.